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Mar 30

Technoference? What’s That?

Technology allows us to connect to our friends and family around the world, but what is it doing to our relationships at home? A new study is suggesting that our devices are creating a disconnect between parents and kids, something that social scientists have dubbed “technoference.”  Click here for some guidelines for parents to follow when they […]

Mar 2

Twenty Ways to Enjoy More Fruits and Vegetables

Building a healthy plate is easy when you make half your plate fruits and vegetables. It’s also a great way to add color, flavor and texture plus vitamins, minerals and fiber. All this is packed in fruits and vegetables that are low in calories and fat. Make 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups […]

Mar 2

3 Words That Reframe, “How Was Your Day?”

“Did anyone have an oops today?” asked my four-year-old son at the dinner table last night. “Oh, I did!” replied his six-year-old sister. “I left my Patriots hat on the bus in the morning. But my oops is also my yay because the bus driver found it and gave it to me in the afternoon!” “I […]

Jan 30

February 14 is National Organ Donor Day

Observed each year on February 14th, National Organ Donor Day is a day to increase awareness about organ donation and the lives that can be saved.   In the United States, there are more than 120,000 people waiting for a life-saving organ donation. National Organ Donor Day focuses on five different types of donations:  Organs – Tissues […]