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Feb 24

Food Systems Assessment Scheduled for February 25

A Ringgold County Food Systems Assessment will take place Tuesday, February 25, from 3:30 to 5:00 PM at the Ringgold County Hospital.  Food-related issues and assets will be ranked according to importance during this meeting.  This enables communities to create informed plans to ensure that all residents have equal access to healthy food and clean […]

Feb 24

Dodgeball Tournament Rescheduled for March 24

The Ringgold County Wellness Coalition has rescheduled the dodgeball tournament on Tuesday, March 24, at 6:00 PM in the Mount Ayr high school gym.  Three age groups will be formed: 5th-8th Grade, 9th-12th Grade and adults.  Teams will consist of six members.  Teams must be registered by March 20.  Team registration fee has been reduced […]

Jan 28

Who’s Good at Math?

If a 6-month-old can distinguish between 20 dots and 10 dots, he or she is more likely to be a good at math in preschool. That’s the conclusion of a new study, which finds that part of our proficiency at addition and subtraction may simply be something we’re born with. Learn more at

Jan 28

How Many Calories Do You Drink?

What we drink is every bit as important to our health as what we eat. Most people think of calories in solid forms, such as meat and potatoes, fruits and vegetables, and cake and ice cream. They might not realize the liquids they drink each day can add hundreds of extra calories to their daily […]