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Jun 21

July is UV Safety Month, Protect Your Skin!

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun are the main cause of skin cancer. UV damage can also cause wrinkles and blotches or spots on your skin. During the month of July, join us in taking action to prevent skin cancer and reduce […]

Apr 21

Mental Health Region Reminds of Crisis Line Availability

The CROSS mental health region (serving Clarke, Decatur, Lucas, Marion, Monroe, Ringgold and Wayne Counties) understands that speaking on the phone does not meet the needs of everyone experiencing crisis. To meet our residents’ needs, the following free and confidential crisis response services are available for those facing challenges.  

Apr 12

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time when communities nationwide come together to celebrate children and families. Prevent Child Abuse Iowa is honoring the month with awareness events and a children’s contest. Child abuse is defined through state laws, so there is no federal standard throughout the country. In Iowa, the Legislature defines “child […]

Feb 8

Flu Shots are still Available!

Ringgold County Public Health is offering flu shots! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine as soon as the vaccine is available this fall.  Please call our office at 641-464-0691 to schedule.  We accept Medicare, Blue Cross/Blue Shield and UnitedHealthcare […]