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Apr 3

Changes Coming to County’s Reverse 911 System

Ringgold County is changing to a state-provided emergency notification system effective immediately.  Weather alerts will be automatic through the National Weather Radio system for high wind, severe thunderstorm or tornado warnings.  The new system will also have the ability to text or voice message cell phone numbers. All land line phone numbers have been automatically […]

Mar 24

Jennifer Creveling Joins Parents as Teachers Staff

Welcome to Jennifer Creveling, who will be providing Parent Educator services through our Parents as Teachers program.  She attended training in St. Louis, Missouri, during the week of March 16.  Since her return, she has been accompanying program director Robin McDonnell on home visits to become acquainted with the agency’s PAT families. Pictured below is Robin McDonnell […]

Mar 24

Parents Encouraged to Talk to Children About Tobacco Use

Every day children see tobacco advertisements or someone smoking, and every day an average of 3,000 kids start to smoke.  Cigarette smoking kills more people each year than alcohol, drugs, homicide, fires, automobile accidents and AIDS combined.  Sixty percent of all smokers started smoking when they were 13, while kids as young as five years […]

Mar 24

Volunteers Needed for LHI 5K on April 11

Organizers of the local Live Healthy Iowa 5K are looking for volunteers to help with the event on Saturday, April 11.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Linda Winkler at Ringgold County Hospital, 641-464-3226.  An organizational meeting will be scheduled in the near future.  Check back here for more information!