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Mar 28

PAT Staff to Offer Developmental Screenings at Ringgold County Hospital Health Fair April 16

The Ringgold County Parents as Teachers staff will be performing developmental screenings for children 2 months through 5 years of age at the Ringgold County Hospital Health Fair on Saturday, April 16, from 9:00 AM – noon. The screenings will assess gross and fine motor skills, communication, personal-social, problem-solving, and social emotional developmental areas.  Each screening will be […]

Mar 28

Shaken Baby Syndrome Presentation to be Given April 12

A community presentation on the prevention of child abuse, including Shaken Baby Syndrome, will be given by Victoria Brammer on Tuesday, April 12, at 6:00 PM at the ISU Extension Office in Mt. Ayr.  She will demonstrate with dolls how easily brain damage can occur to children.  Guest speaker Patty Eaton will also share her […]

Mar 28

PAT Program Will Celebrate Receiving Iowa Family Support Credential

The Ringgold County Parents as Teachers program will host a party to celebrate receiving the Iowa Family Support Credential on Sunday, April 10, at 3:00 PM in the meeting room of the REC building at 1502 W. South Street, Mt. Ayr.  The credential is awarded to family support and parent education programs that are found to be in substantial […]

Feb 26

March is National Nutrition Month

March is known for its wind and athletic frenzies, but it is also National Nutrition Month.  Check out this website for a wealth of information on eating right — activity sheets for children and adults, nutrition tips on ways to enjoy more fruits and vegetables, and nutrition resources that include MyPlate recipes and classroom materials.