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May 25

Easy Low-Fat and Low-Calorie Breakfasts, Entrees and Desserts Your Kids Will Eat!

Need some ideas for healthy foods your kids will eat?  Check out the “Fruits & Veggies: More Matters” website for recipe ideas as well as ideas to get kids involved in preparing the food.  There’s a great recipe there for “Pocket Pies” made from 4 or 8-inch tortillas and a fruit filling.  Explore the entire […]

May 25

Fear and Anxiety: An Age-by-age Guide to Common Fears

It is very normal for all children to have specific fears at some point in their childhood. Even the bravest of hearts beat right up against their edges sometimes. As your child learns more about the world, some things will become more confusing and frightening. This is nothing at all to worry about, and these […]

May 25

PAT Family Fishing Event Planned for June 28

The annual Parents as Teachers Family Meeting will be held Wednesday, June 28, at 5:30 PM at Fife’s Grove Park.  This year’s meeting will be a family fishing event hosted by Ranger Kate Zimmerman.  Families who have participated in Parents as Teachers as of July 1, 2016, will be invited to participate. The PAT staff […]

Apr 21

PBS Parents Offers Wealth of Parenting Information

Check out these articles on the PBS Parents website, and get familiar with all the website has to offer! Encouraging Nature Play.  “One of the greatest casualties of this indoor migration is the most quintessential of childhood activities—outdoor play. Overscheduled kids have no time for it. Over-screened kids opt for virtual worlds invented by others. […]