Initially, our agency had posted daily updates for COVID-19 case numbers to Facebook and our agency website. Due to time demands, we will no longer be sharing daily changes. Please refer to the state data system for any information desired:
COVID-19 continues to be an ongoing concern, and community spread is happening nation-wide at this time. We encourage the public to social distance, wash hands, wear a mask when in public places, and stay home if you have mild illness. When testing positive and with symptoms, comply with isolation recommendations for 10 days from symptom onset. If you have no symptoms, isolate 10 days from test date. Quarantine for 14 days from last exposure if exposed to a positive case.
As a reminder, an exposure means that you were within 6 feet of an individual who tested positive for 15 minutes or more. Persons can spread illness 48 hours before symptom onset or testing positive. Feel free to call public health at 641-464-0691 with questions or concerns.