Ringgold County Public Health (RCPH) through their work on a Community Transformation Grant (CTG) has strived to find creative ways for residents to be physically active and have fun at the same time. Mount Ayr Elementary art teacher Jane Uhlenkamp agreed to work with RCPH to further this endeavor. She encouraged students to create art specifically for display in frames along the stairs in the Courthouse.
CTG staff had installed signage to encourage people to take the courthouse stairs instead of using the elevator, but they felt the signs were losing their effect after having been in place for over two years. Placing students” artwork along the stairs will encourage not only Courthouse employees but also relatives of the students to come and view the young artists’ handiwork. The artwork will be changed each month to provide new artwork to view. Letters will be sent home with the children whose work was chosen for display.
“My goal is to change it every month if possible,” states Uhlenkamp. “Thank you so much for this opportunity. The students are excited.”
Visitors to the Courthouse will naturally use the stairs to view the art, which will add some physical activity to their day. “Any investment of time or resources in our county’s health and well-being is a wise investment” says Chris Doster, CTG Program Coordinator.
Many methods have been tried to help people become physically active. Most people know that exercise is good for their heart, their waistline, and even their mood. Still our country’s, and even our county’s, collective waistline keeps getting larger. The remedy lies somewhere between communities building supportive environments for activity and individuals taking responsibility for their own health. Let CTG staffers Vicki or Chris know if you want to be part of the solution or have some ideas for encouraging physical activity in Ringgold County.
RCPH continues their work on a Community Transformation Grant to reduce the impact of chronic diseases. If you would like more information on active living or healthy eating, contact Ringgold County Public Health at 641-464-0691.
These student artists currently have their work displayed in the Ringgold County Courthouse.
Listed from left to right:
Back row: Jill Kniep, Kolben Klommhaus, Jordan McAlexander, Josh Cowley, Brice Phelps Ally Shelley
Middle row: Tate Dugan, Austin Byrd, Hayden Ruggles, Ty Jones, Bryce Shaha
Front: Ivan Hatfield, Abbi Overholser, Aubree Clark